VUnit 3.0#

A new year has come and it is time for a third major update of VUnit. The update contains a number of major enhancement briefly presented in this post.
Message Passing#
We have improved the ease of use of the com message passing library. Message creation and parsing is now very simple using push/pop of any standard data type together with message types.
A sending process pushes data into a message and sends it to the receiver, a bus functional model (BFM) in this example.
msg := new_msg(write_msg);
push_integer(msg, address);
push_std_ulogic_vector(msg, data);
send(net, bfm, msg);
The message passing details would typically be wrapped into a procedure to provide a more user friendly interface for the BFM
write(net, address, data);
Message types are registered with com to get a system unique identifier.
constant write_msg : msg_type_t := new_msg_type("write");
The type makes it easy for the receiver to handle incoming messages correctly.
receive(net, bfm, msg);
msg_type := message_type(msg);
if msg_type = write_msg then
address := pop_integer(msg);
data := pop_std_ulogic_vector(msg);
perform_pin_wiggling_on_bus_interface(address, data);
elsif msg_type = read_msg then
We have also added better debug capabilities. It’s possible to inspect the state of the message passing system and trace messages can be enabled to see the dynamic behavior.
0 ps - vunit_lib:com - TRACE - [2:- test sequencer -> memory BFM (read)] => memory BFM inbox
10000 ps - vunit_lib:com - TRACE - memory BFM inbox => [2:- test sequencer -> memory BFM (read)]
20000 ps - memory BFM - DEBUG - Reading x"21" from address x"80"
20000 ps - vunit_lib:com - TRACE - [3:2 memory BFM -> test sequencer (read reply)] => test sequencer inbox
30000 ps - vunit_lib:com - TRACE - test sequencer inbox => [3:2 memory BFM -> test sequencer (read reply)]
For more information see the com user guide.
Verification Components#
In VUnit 3.0 we have a beta version of a verification
component library. Using the improved com
passing it is very easy to create advanced verification components and
we hope to get many pull requests from users for other bus types in
the future. We’ve already seen some initiatives from the VUnit community
based on the release candidates for VUnit 3.0.
We say it is beta since we want to keep the door open to make breaking changes as we learn more together with our users. The AXI models are however already used in production environments.
- Out of the box we provide the following verification components:
AXI read/write slaves
Memory model
AXI master
AXI stream
(B)RAM master
For more information see the verification component library user guide.
VUnit 3.0 contains a number of logging framework enhancements that goes hand in hand with the verification components. We have improved the log source hierarchy support which allows loggers to be arranged in a tree structure.

The position in the hierarchy is based on the logger path or instance name or by explicitly describing parent/child relationships between loggers. Once you have a hierarchy in place you can apply configuration settings and read status for the full tree, a subtree or an individual logger. The example below has the logger tree depicted above and changes the visibilty for debug messages in the vc logger subtree.
architecture a of tb is
main : process
constant main_logger : logger_t := get_logger(main'path_name); -- Hierarchy position based on path name
test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);
warning(main_logger, "A warning message");
info(main_logger, "An information message");
debug(main_logger, "A debug message"); -- By default debug messages are not visible on the display
show(get_logger("tb:vc"), display_handler, debug); -- Show debug messages in vc_logger subtree (defined below)
wait for 15 ns;
end process;
vc : block is
constant vc_logger : logger_t := get_logger(vc'path_name);
constant alpha_logger : logger_t := get_logger("alpha", vc_logger); -- Hierarchy position set as a child to vc_logger
constant beta_logger : logger_t := get_logger("beta", vc_logger);
alpha : entity work.alpha_component generic map (logger => alpha_logger);
beta : entity work.beta_component generic map (logger => beta_logger);
end block;
end architecture;
The result is that debug messages from the main_logger is hidden while debug messages from the alpha and beta components are visible.

Note that VUnit 3.0 introduces color logging for better identification of the more important log entries.
VUnit 3.0 also introduces mocking that allows you to verify how a component interacts with the logging framework. Below is a test case that creates an error scenario that verification component alpha is expected to find and report.
if run("Test that error x is triggered in scenario y") then
mock(alpha_logger, error);
<Code creating scenario y which is expected to trigger error x>
check_log(alpha_logger, "An error message", error);
end if;
check_log checks the oldest log call to alpha_logger. The log call must be an error log with the given message string or the test case will fail. If there are remaining logs which haven’t been checked when calling unmock the test case will also fail.
It’s possible to call mock without the second parameter but that would force us to also check the debug messages and that’s typically not needed. check_log also has a number of other parameters to verify other attributes of a log call, time for example. However, in many cases we don’t care about the exact time of the log so that parameter is optional.
For more information see the logging user guide.
As always, comments and feedback are welcome.
– The VUnit development team